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A Portrait of the Lord

Writer's picture: Jodi Kushner, M.A.Jodi Kushner, M.A.
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

This verse is among the most familiar and most-quoted in all of scripture. And it’s no surprise – it offers tremendous comfort and hope. Read the entire book of Lamentations and you will discover that you are not alone in your sorrow and despair, and there is mercy and help available for you. But if you stop there, you might be missing the main point and the richest blessing. Maybe the comfort and hope that flows from a verse like this is really the byproduct of a greater truth.

Right in front of us, on glorious display is a portrait of the Lord! In this verse we see the very essence of who he is: loving, merciful, faithful. If you want to know true comfort, hope, peace and contentment, take some time to gaze at the beauty of our Heavenly Father and give him praise.

Lord, today I worship you and thank you for your “steadfast love that never ceases” your “mercies that never come to an end” and your unwavering faithfulness. Amen!

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